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Useful Idioms & Phrases with their meanings

100 Useful Idioms & Phrases to Crack BANK & SSC Exam

Important idioms and phrases that can be asked in any government exams

  1. Head & Ears - Every Where / Completely.
  2. In black and white - In writing.
  3. In a nut shell - In brief.
  4. Hobson's choice - No choice at all.
  5. In the nick of time - Just in time.
  6. Jack of all trades - One who knows everything but master of none.
  7. Ins & outs - Full detail.
  8. A Jail bird - One who use to jail many times.
  9. To keep the body & soul together - To remain a live.
  10. Kith & kin - Relatives.
  11. To keep the wolf away from the door - To keep away from hunger or starvation.
  12. To make both ends meet - leave with in own income.
  13. To look off colors - Seem unwell.
  14. To make a mountain out of a molehill - To exaggerate a small matter.
  15. To look black at somebody - To look angry.
  16. To blow one's own trumpet - to do crowdedly of one self.
  17. To kick up a row - To create disturbances.
  18. Back out - Failed to keep the promise.
  19. To break the ice - To break the silence.
  20. Blue blood - From royal family.
  21. To burn the candle at both ends - To waste the money, energy and time.
  22. To burn the midnight oil - To work very hard.
  23. By hook or by crook - By enemies.
  24. A brown study - Day dreaming.
  25. A bolt from the blue - A sudden shock.
  26. To carry the day - To get the success.
  27. To beat hollow - To defeat badly.
  28. A bird of the passage - A traveler / migratory person.
  29. A burning question - An important question.
  30. A birds eye view - General view.
  31. Birds of a feather - Persons having same profession.
  32. Between the devil & the deep sea - Between to great difficulty.
  33. To build castle in the air - To form imaginary plane .
  34. A cat's paw - To make someone a fool.
  35. To cry for the moon - To demand for the impossible think.
  36. Crocodile tears - false tears.
  37. To cry in the wild - useless cry.
  38. A died letter - No longer in use.
  39. To dance to one's tune - To follow the order's
  40. Every inch - Completely.
  41. A fish out of water - In an uncomfortable situation.
  42. A Cock & bull story - Imaginary story.
  43. To come to grief - To fail.
  44. A child's play - Very easy task.
  45. Cast down - To be depressed.
  46. A dark horse - A competitor with unknown capabilities.
  47. A drug in the market - An unsaleable product due to lack of demand.
  48. Fed up - To be tired of.
  49. A fools paradise - Joy ways wrong false.
  50. To fish in troubled water - To take advantage of others problems.
  51. A fly visit - Brief & hasty visit.
  52. To get the sack - To be dismissed.
  53. To get into hot water - To get into troubles.
  54. In high spirits - To be very happy an energetic.
  55. To grease the palm - To give bribe.
  56. To go a long way - To have some great help.
  57. A gala day - Happy and prosperous day.
  58. To give a slip - To escape.
  59. To face the music - To face the trouble.
  60. Half hearted - Lacking enthusiasm.
  61. Heart and Soul - With full dedication and energy.
  62. A hard nut to crack - Very tuff task.
  63. To hammer out - To make a plane.
  64. To have clean hands - To be innocent.
  65. To have a wind fall - To have an expected fortune.
  66. Head & shoulders - To be Superior.
  67. To have a hand in - To take part.
  68. To hit the nail on the head - To do the right work at the proper place & time.
  69. Hush money - Money from bribe.
  70. To have a finger in a pie - To interfere.
  71. A wef blanket - One who kills our joy.
  72. Wheels with in wheels - Complications.
  73. To have a wind fall - To have un expected good fortune.
  74. Yeo mains service - Excellent service.
  75. Judas-kiss - False love.
  76. Black ox - Misfortune.
  77. A herculean task - A very tuff task.
  78. Donkey's years - After a very long time.
  79. A cold blooded murder - Pitiless murder
  80. Lame excuse - False excuse.
  81. To show pink elephants - To show courage.
  82. Blind alley - Un profitable person.
  83. Kangaroo court -  An unofficial court.
  84. All the go - In a Fashion.
  85. Mother wit - Common sense.
  86. A grass widow - A woman whose husband is temporarily away from her.
  87. Elbow room - Species room.
  88. A lady's habit - Always late.
  89. Ifs & buts - doubtful.
  90. The heels of Achilles - Weak point in a person.
  91. Lump in the throat - In a highly emotional.
  92. A fly in the ointment - Problem in a situation.
  93. Halcyon lays - Happiness.
  94. An olive branch - An offer piece.
  95. To burn a hole in the pocket - Spend the money very quickly.
  96. To mind one's p's - Once behavior.
  97. To rain cats & dogs - Heavy rain.
  98. To pick holes in ones coat - To find out faults in others.
  99. Nine days wonder - pleasure for a short period
  100. Needle woman - Lady tailor.


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